Copyright 2006-2009 Alecu Grigore - alecu [punct] grigore [at] gmail [punct] com. Toate textele si imaginile aflate pe acest site sunt proprietatea autorului si nu pot fi folosite integral sau partial fara permisiunea acestuia, in concordanta cu legea nr 8/1996, privind dreptul de autor si drepturile conexe.
Consultanta SEO oferita de SEO consult
foarte gigea prima! Foarte gigea...
Cred ca facuta un print mare va fi cu siguranta un WOW! :D
Hai ca mai ai putin si il ajungi pe nea' Amelkovich! :P
If you want to make great photos, just think at a story. If the photo speaks the story, it is well done. I think that these two photos have story. When you take two models, you have more chances to do a great work. Of course, the choices of the tones has great impact on succes of the photo. However we see different choices of tones on photos who has really success. Good work.
prima e pur si simplu superba!
superbe o tandrete aparte:)
Again, congratulation for this photo. it was considered in your country as best, when it was shown on, and no. 7 worldwide.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Imi plac mult lucrarile tale.
Te invit sa iti inscrii blogul tau pe
Foarte frumoase pozele iar pozitiile din aceste foto sunt pur si simplu extraordinare :P
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